Saturday, January 14, 2012

Overheard at a KFC Marketing Meeting

"People! KFC has asked us to produce a new commercial for their Black market. I want ideas."
"Why do they even need a commercial? They're going to buy it, regardless."
"Don't worry about it, it's an easy job. Brain-dead stuff. Work with me, people."
"Hhmm... A Black commercial... We can do Southern. Southern Black has made a huge comeback since that thing in New Orleans."
"Popeyes is doing it."
"Oh, yeah."
"What about young Black. You know, hip?"
"No. No violent stuff."
"No, I meant cool and sophisticated. Like 'Ebony' magazine, you know?"
"I'm pretty sure they stopped publishing that."
"I like it. Today's Black customer wants to convey a sense of maturity, sophistication."
"Guys, to tell you the truth, I'm a little uncomfortable with this whole conversation..."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, should we really be talking like this?"
"Oh, I see. We should be saying African-American, right?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"I'm not saying that; too long."
"Wait! We have just a word for this... Damn. What was it?"
"Yes! Urban! Urban people love chicken!"
"So, cool, black- I mean urban- people enjoying chicken, in a social setting..."
"We'll play some smooth R&B in the background, but nothing overly ethnic or cultural, just generic shit."
"Do you think we should mix in a few other ethnicities. Puerto Rican? Maybe some type of Asian? The beer and insurance companies seem to be doing a lot of multi-racial stuff lately."
"Naw. If we just use Black actors it will be cheaper."
"Make sure we add some sexual overtones. Those people really sleep around."
"We'll run heavy rotation during NBA games and on BET."
"I'm liking it, people! Sounds like our work here is done. Let's break for lunch."
"Where to?"
"California Pizza Kitchen?"
"Just try and stop me."

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