Friday, February 10, 2012

We're All Working Too Much

The 8 hour work day needs to become a remnant of the past. It's a concept left over from the industrial revolution. We needed manufacturing and we needed long hours. Today, not so much.
Think about everything you do in an average work day. Do you really need to be in the office for 8 hours? Think about all the time lost waiting for other tasks to be completed before you can move on. How about all the time spent taking breaks or winding down in between tasks? Do you think you can do your job in only 5 hours?
The 8 hour workday is too demanding. You have to get up 2 hours before you start, it takes an hour to get home, and another hour to unwind. Better get 8 hours of sleep or you'll be useless tomorrow. What's that leave you with? About 5 hours. 5 hours to read a book, watch tv, prepare dinner, clean the house, help your kids with their math homework. I know it gets done everyday but it just seems to demanding.
A shorter work day would go a long way to improving our quality of life.

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