Tuesday, July 10, 2012

iPad Mini

The internet is buzzing with rumors of an upcoming iPad Mini, a new iOS device similar in size to the Kindle Fire, Google Nexus, and countless other not noteworthy gadgets. The thinking here, is that if Apple can create and market a smaller, more affordable iPad, they can stop any momentum Amazon and Google are building.
Steve Jobs notably poo-pooed the idea of a smaller tablet, saying that they're not that useful and don't serve a particular purpose. I tend to agree with him. When I'm out, I use my iPhone, because it's always with me. When I'm home, I use my iPad, because it's more luxurious and usable. What would I do with a device that sits in the middle? It's not a better eReader, Amazon's e-ing Kindles are already the best in that regard. Watching movies? How often do I really need to watch movies when I'm out and about? Browsing sites? If I'm on the train, I'd rather use a well-made app that's on my iPhone. I just don't see where this device fits in.
I also have tremendous faith in Apple's ability to put new spins on current technology. Tablets aren't a new phenomenon, Microsoft has been making them for years. Apple simple perfected it. Maybe Apple has a new take on this form-factor. Maybe it's ultra light. Maybe it interfaces with more devices, perhaps acts as a remote for my TV. Who knows? It's not my job to come up with this stuff. But it is what Apple does better than anybody.

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