Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How To Fix Online Spoilers

My biggest problem with these Olympic games in the prevalent spoiling. Usually people respect spoilers, and I'm careful enough to avoid them. I haven't seen The Avengers, so I skipped the review episode on one of my podcasts. It usually takes me a day or two to watch the latest Mad Men, so I know to skip the entertainment sites.
But with the Olympics, it's the news agencies who are doing the spoiling. I guess they don't know any better, they figure they're just reporting the news. Or perhaps they're trying to pull the rug out from under NBC by giving away the results hours before Americans have a chance to see the competitions.
But the point is it sucks. I hop over to just to make sure the sky isn't falling or to see how dreadfully hot it will be today and... BAM! Spoilers. Not cool.
So once again, I, Juan Torres, have come up with an awesome solution:
Spoiler Blinds.
Drapes that cover sections of a website. With a click they reveal the story behind them. I'd go to a news site that promised not to spoil things for me. Heck, they can even throw sponsors on them. This makes too much sense. Peep the mockup.

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