When you're a baby, your worries are few. Eat. Sleep. Poop. This is pretty much all that concerns you.
When you're a small child, your world expands a little. Now you have to have the latest toys and video games. If not, your classmates will think you're lame. If you're not well-liked, you'll be picked last for kickball. This is your world.
When you're a teen, you're world is in full-blown crisis mode. You have to be with the latest trends, fashion and music. If your'e not, she's never going to dance with you.
"Oh my God, did anyone see that? Does anyone know? If they did your life is over! It's the end of the world!"
When you're a young adult, you can't believe how small you're world used to be. You have a sense of the larger world around you. There's so much to do. So much to see. It's so massive. You just want to experience a part of it. You just want your little slice.
So now I'm trying to get a sense of what my world will be like in the coming years. I have a feeling, it may shrink again. When I have a family, they'll become my world. All other concerns will wilt away. I'll have a new priority above all us. My world will become more focus, singular. At least that's what I gather from the older people around me. I'm sure they used to be as excited and wonder-filled as I am. But eventually, life takes precedence.
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