The majority of our army are the poor. People without well-paying jobs, higher education opportunities, or even reasonable aspirations. The army has targeted these individuals because they are easily swayed. They take advantage or their situation. They don't recruit at Ivy league schools.
I speek from first-hand experience; I would often be targeted for recruitment, approached by military personal.
"What are you doing after you graduate, son?" they would ask.
"Well, I was accepted at De Paul."
"Okay, then."
That's it. I had other options. I was not a prime candidate.
This isn't new. Nearly every war has been fought by the poorest citizens. Unfortunately, they are never the ones to decide if going to war is the best coarse of action. It is "The Haves" who make this decision.
So, in the interest of fairness, let's bring back the draft.
Let every able-bodied young man and woman be eligible to serve our nation. No exception. The poor working man's son should fight alongside the Senator's. Everyone's life should be on the line, not only those without means.
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