Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Problems With The Olympics

2 days in and I'm ready to start complaining.

There's too many events. Michael Phelps has the opportunity to become the most decorated Olympian of all time. This creates the misconception that he is the greatest Olympian. Not true. He simply has the most opportunities. He gets to compete in different types of swimming at different distances. LeBron James only gets one opportunity at gold. Why not have a dunk competition? Or a three-point contest? The need to cut down on all the variations of the same sport.

Some things are not sports. Table tennis is a game. Shooting is a hobby. Sports are activities that make you sweat and you'd have to change clothes before you can go to dinner.

Why not live? NBC dropped the ball here. The internet has created a global timezone. Video streaming can bring us every competition as it happens. If I go to, I get spoiled for every event that I haven't had a chance to watch yet. Run ads online, I don't care. Just give us a chance to watch with the rest of the world.

These aren't the best in the world, these are the best in the world for those who had the opportunity. I'm sure pummel horse is extremely hard, but it's just a guess. The truth is, I've never encountered a pummel horse. Who knows? Maybe I'd be pretty good at it. What if more people had more opportunities to try these sports. Maybe there's a great horse racer living in Harlem, but we'd never know.

All of these complaints aside, I'm hooked.

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