Friday, December 31, 2010

2010, The Year Our Sports Heroes Died

It's December 31st. If I want this site to garner any attention or  credibility I better make a list.

2010 was the year where scandal stepped off the red carpet and into the sports arenas. Instead of gossiping about movie stars and singers we were caught up in the drama caused by sport’s biggest names.  Thanks to the 24/7 news cycle created by ESPN and the saturation of Twitter, everybody was talking.

I present to you, 2010's Sorest Losers

Brett Favre

His year started off fairly well. He lead his new favorite franchise to the playoffs and was an interception away from returning to the Super Bowl. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be and returned to the farm empty-handed. The Vikings decided to tempt fate again. They flew down to his much nicer-than-theirs mansion, rang the doorbell and asked if, “Brett could come out to play?” Brett, high off pain meds and country weed decided to give it another shot. Unfortunately for him, this season did not play out like the previous. His team sucked, he lost his continuous game streak, and he got in trouble for showing his Viking/Jet/Packer (I couldn't decide) to another chick. Strike that. He didn’t get in trouble. He’s too white for trouble. He got fined. $50,000. In other words, sexual harassment and gross misconduct is no worse than popping someone in the head on the field. He wasn’t even fined for the crime itself, instead he was reprimanded for not cooperating with the investigation. You hear that Vick? You should have just kept your mouth shut.

And with that, Brett walks away from the field. Well, actually, he was stomped off by the Bears, but there’s no reason to bring that up.

Brett’s Song of the Year: “Runaway”, by Kanye West. Mostly for the line, “She find pictures in my email/ I sent this girl a picture of my dick.”

LeBron James

I get it. You want to win championships. Every player does. If you don’t, you shouldn't suit up. The reason everyone hates you is because you showed an incredible lack of class. “The Decision”, had as much integrity as “Flavor of Love”, albeit a lot less entertaining. You decided you were fed up with a team that didn’t properly build around you and was clearly going nowhere. Instead of directing your ire at them, you decided to take it out on the people of Ohio. Good for you. I hope you at least learned not to trust the folks at ESPeeoN, they didn’t do you any favors. You were bamboozled. I don’t doubt that you will find success in South Beach, in fact you’ll probably be part of a dynasty. I just wonder if your okay with not being the main part.

LeBron’s Movie of the Year: The Social Network. Mostly for the tagline, “You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.”

Tiger Woods


This one hurts.

Besides Michael Jordan, no other sports figure had as great an impact on my life. Here was a guy who wasn’t white, playing the whitest sport. Not to mention being the best at it, too. He is the reason I started golfing. He became a cultural icon and global spokesman, all the while maintaining a genuineness that made him seem like a regular guy. Boy was he. Although these conquests are applaudable, they are not admirable. He destroyed his family and ruined his image. Some of the flak could have been diluted with good play, but his game suffered as well.

Tiger Wood’s Book of the Year: “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”

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